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Improve your reading speed for life — 12 weeks

Just by watching videos

Common but unknown to most people, imper­fect eye-coor­di­na­tion has a major impact on energy, hea­daches, con­cent­ra­tion, double vision and reading speed.

imvi has deve­lo­ped an effective and enter­tai­ning solu­tion for impro­ved eye coor­di­na­tion in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Karo­linska Insti­tu­tet. Our paten­ted solu­tion has proved to be suc­cess­ful for 99% of more than 2000 trained indi­vi­du­als. Take the test to see if we can help you.

In coo­pe­ra­tion and support with:

In coo­pe­ra­tion and support with:

The problem

Most children have no idea how they are supposed to see

De flesta barn har ingen aning om hur de ska se

Our paten­ted trai­ning impro­ves eye coor­di­na­tion for most people. People with the most vision pro­blems get the gre­a­test impro­ve­ments. Common symptoms are fatigue, dif­ficulty con­cent­ra­ting, hea­dache and strai­ned eyes. These pro­blems are also common in people with dyslexia and ADHD. The user achi­e­ves lifelong impro­ve­ments in reading ability and eye coor­di­na­tion with just 9 hours of trai­ning.

Some of the people we helped

Sofia, 11

More than doubled her reading speed, from 11 to 25 words per minute. The teachers saw a more focused girl.

Fredrik, 49

My reading speed incre­a­sed by 40% while fatigue in the eyes and hea­daches disap­pe­a­red.

Robin, 13

I incre­a­sed my reading speed by 60% in 6 weeks, and got rid of many other symptoms.

The process step-by-step

This is how it works


You answer ques­tions about your ver­gence and we measure your reading speed


You train your ver­gence in vr with our paten­ted method and can watch videos while you train


You get the results for how you develop your ver­gence and reading speed

Spela vide­oklipp
Spela vide­oklipp


Why choose imvi?

Easy to use

To start trai­ning, simply place your phone inside the VR headset and launch the app

Track your progress

In the app, you can follow your/your child­ren’s deve­lop­ment and results


You can train by, for example, watching videos, which makes the trai­ning enter­tai­ning.


With only 12 weeks of trai­ning you get lifelong impro­ve­ments

We helped Stefan with his reading

Stefan who is 17 years old, has strugg­led with reading for a long time and was dia­gno­sed with dyslexia. Before trai­ning, he managed to read for six minutes, with a reading speed of eight words per minute.

After trai­ning for a week or so, the results began to come. After com­ple­ted trai­ning, the reading endu­rance had incre­a­sed to over 50 minutes and the reading speed to over 40 words per minute.

The method behind imvi

Through impro­ved vision, you can relieve the brain and free up capa­city from vision to lan­gu­age. Even very small eye coor­di­na­tion pro­blems can quickly exhaust the brain and affect both reading ability, con­cent­ra­tion and general con­di­tion.

Our trai­ning pro­vi­des impro­ved reading stamina and reading speed while redu­cing fatigue, incre­a­sing con­cent­ra­tion and not strai­ning the eyes as hard.


Studies show that with 15 minutes of trai­ning, 3 times a week for about 12–14 weeks, a per­ma­nently impro­ved ver­gence is achi­e­ved. It is impor­tant that the trai­ning is carried out fully in order for the results to be lasting. You should exer­cise regu­larly without inter­rup­tion. Exer­ci­sing more often or longer can have a certain posi­tive effect. A small amount of trai­ning can result in no results.

Studies show that impro­ve­ments in ver­gence are lifelong.

Yes, ver­gence is not affec­ted by ordi­nary glasses or contact lenses.

However, the glasses must fit in the VR glasses if you need glasses to see well up close.

Studies show that the vast majo­rity on average incre­ase their reading speed by about 30%. For people with reading dif­ficul­ties, the impro­ve­ments are usually sig­ni­fi­cantly greater. The symptoms asso­ci­a­ted with vision pro­blems, such as hea­daches, fatigue, strai­ned eyes, and con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems, etc. decre­ase with exer­cise.

No, the VR glasses are needed for each eye to have its own small screen, which is needed for the trai­ning to work.

We have trained over 2 000 people and over 99% of those who have com­ple­ted the trai­ning have recei­ved an impro­ved ver­gence.

We have trained people between 4 and 83 years. In a normal popu­la­tion, we see impro­ve­ments in up to 80% of all. People who have symptoms that are common in ver­gence pro­blems such as hea­daches, fatigue, strai­ned eyes, and con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems related to reading or close work. We have seen very good results in people with dyslexia, ADHD and ADD. People who have a mani­fest squint must consult us or their opti­cian before exer­ci­sing. People who read a lot or do close work can benefit a lot from our trai­ning.

Ver­gence trai­ning is risk-free. People with a mani­fest squint must consult us or their opti­cian before exer­ci­sing.

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