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A step-by-step guide to

Getting Started with Imvi


Imvi is desig­ned to enhance brain-eye coor­di­na­tion, allowing you to access up to 90% of your brain’s poten­tial for quicker reading, better focus, and impro­ved con­cent­ra­tion.

For lasting results, we recom­mend trai­ning for 15 minutes, 4 times a week, for at least 12 weeks by watching content from SVT Play, YouTube, UR Play, or Binogi.

  • E‑mail communication

    As soon as your payment is con­fir­med, you need to check your inbox for the welcome email on how to get started. Make sure to check both Inbox and Spam folders.

  • Activation code to create your account

    After your pur­chase, you will get an email with an acti­va­tion code. You need this code to set up an account in the app, so please check your Spam folder if you haven’t recei­ved it in your inbox. To create your account, just enter the code in the spe­ci­fied field within the app and follow the instruc­tions to com­plete the sign-up process.

  • VR glasses delivered to your address

    You should receive your VR-glasses in the mail within 3–5 busi­ness days. In the mean­time, you can start the onboar­ding process through the Imvi app.

  • Imvi Read App

    Down­load and install the Imvi Read App from the App Store or Google Play.

  • Mobile with internet connection

    You can train on any Android or iPhone device that has a stable inter­net con­nec­tion.

  • VR glasses

    Imvi’s VR glasses support various screen sizes and offer adjust­ments for focus and pupil distance. We recom­mend that each trainee use their own VR glasses, as set­tings for sharp­ness and pupil distance can vary indi­vi­du­ally.

  • VR Glasses

    The headset fea­tu­res a front panel for your smartp­hone, adjus­table straps, and com­for­table padding. You can fine-tune the lenses with adjust­ment dials to match your eye’s focal and pupil­lary distance, redu­cing blur­ri­ness and eye strain. It also inclu­des a remo­vable frame insert for smaller phones to block out exter­nal light.

  • User Manual

    A small instruc­tion booklet guiding you on how to set up the glasses, place your phone correctly, and adjust the set­tings.

  • Cleaning Cloth

    A micro­fi­ber cloth to clean the lenses.

First, please ensure your child has created their account first. 

  • To create a guar­dian account, select the “Sign up here” link located at the bottom of the app’s main screen, and fill in your name & email to con­ti­nue.
  • Select the “Monitor” icon in the navi­ga­tion bar, and select the “Add users to monitor” button.
  • If your child is 14 or older, enter the email used to create their account in the field. 
  • If your child is 13 or under, enter their account user­name.
  • The main parent or guar­dian who veri­fied the child’s trai­ning account will receive an email noti­fi­ca­tion. Once they approve your request, you can begin moni­to­ring.

Tip: To help your child get started, you can access and try the trai­ning free for one week with the guar­dian account. 

Set up

Training account (ages 14+)
  • Down­load and install the Imvi Read app on your mobile from App Store or Google Play.
  • Tap on ‘Create Account’ and enter the acti­va­tion code sent to your e‑mail after pur­chase. Please note that this code only con­firms your pur­chase. Your trai­ning starts with your first session. 
  • Con­ti­nue regi­stra­tion by filling in the requi­red fields; inclu­ding your name, date of birth, e‑mail, and create a pas­sword. 
Child account

Child­ren 13 yrs and under cannot create a trai­ning account with their own email. All trai­ning reports will be sent to the parent or guar­di­an’s veri­fied email during account cre­a­tion.

  • When promp­ted, enter the parent/guardian’s info.
  • The parent/guardian will receive a con­fir­ma­tion email to verify and com­plete the setup.
  • The child can then choose a user­name and pas­sword to log in.

Follow the on-screen instruc­tions to com­plete the onboar­ding tests.

These tests assess dif­fe­rent aspects of your vision and reading abi­li­ties, inclu­ding a ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency test, which checks how well your eyes work toget­her, and a reading speed test, which mea­su­res how quickly you can read letters, words, and sen­tences.

Pupil­lary distance (PD) is the space between your eyes, and knowing your mea­su­re­ment is neces­sary for a com­for­table trai­ning expe­ri­ence.

  • When promp­ted, enter your PD in the app.
  • If you don’t know your PD, use the link pro­vi­ded in the app to get your mea­su­re­ment, and be sure to enter it once you return. 
VR glasses

Follow these steps to measure your VR lenses to match your Pupil Distance (PD)

What you’ll need: 

  • VR glasses
  • Mea­su­ring tape (pre­fe­rably in mm)
  • Your PD value

Step 1: Locate the PD dial in the center of your VR headset, which adjusts the distance between the lenses.

Step 2: Place your mea­su­ring tape at the outer edge of the left lens frame and extend it to the outer edge of the right lens frame.

Step 3: Rotate the PD dial to adjust the distance between the lenses until it matches your pupil­lary distance (PD) mea­su­re­ment.

  • Wear the VR glasses and pull the head straps over the back of your head.
  • Adjust the straps by pulling them until the headset fits com­for­tably and secu­rely around your head.


  • Tap ‘Start Training’

    Tap ‘Start trai­ning’ on the app’s home­screen to select your trai­ning content.

  • Select Content

    Select the content you’d like to train with from the options pro­vi­ded. For your first session, we recom­mend star­ting with images to help iden­tify any discom­fort.

  • Put on the VR glasses with your phone securely inserted

    Place and center your phone into the VR glasses. Ensure that the volume buttons are facing upward, as you will need access to them to calibrate your trai­ning.

  • Adjust focus & clarity

    Adjust the focus by rota­ting the left and right dials of the headset. Turn them slowly until the image looks clear, making sure to adjust both sides evenly for the best balance. If it still seems blurry, con­ti­nue adjus­ting until the image is sharp.

  • Once you’ve selec­ted your trai­ning content, a count­down will begin, giving you time to insert your phone into the VR, put it on, and make any adjust­ments. When the timer ends, the calib­ra­tion image will appear. 
  • The images each eye sees will gradu­ally move inward, making your eyes natu­rally con­verge (move closer toget­her), but you won’t notice this in VR.

Step 1: Hold and main­tain your focus at the center of the line.

  • Try to keep your focus steady for as long as pos­sible, while main­tai­ning a single clear line. 
  • Note: you may start to feel a slight strain

Step 2: Press the volume button when you can no longer hold your focus.

  • When you cannot keep the line from doubling, or if it becomes too uncom­for­table to focus, press the volume button to calibrate. 

  • You should see an ‘Ok’ when the calib­ra­tion was logged. 

Step 3: Bring your focus back on the line and repeat steps 1–2.

  • The image will refocus after your last calib­ra­tion

  • Once the line becomes clear and single again, repeat the process (steps 1–2)  until you see “Calib­ra­tion done”

Your trai­ning begins once you’ve com­ple­ted the calib­ra­tion. Enjoy watching at least 15 minutes of your selec­ted content while trai­ning to improve your eye coor­di­na­tion!

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