
You can get help from our training!

Those who train expe­ri­ence:

  • Impro­ved reading speed
  • Reduced fatigue
  • Incre­a­sed con­cent­ra­tion
  • Less strai­ned eyes

Others who have trained have on average impro­ved their reading speed +66%, with reading speed impro­ve­ments up to + 800%.

Eve­ry­one who follows the trai­ning program gets better!

“The best thing about the trai­ning is seeing posi­tive results and that the school announced that the Swedish has impro­ved.”

För­bätt­ring: +60% läs­has­tig­het och +49% samsyn

Ulrica, Grand­mot­her of a 12 year old girl

“I have strugg­led with my dyslexia all my life. It has affec­ted me at work and also my private life. Now I have over 50% impro­ved reading speed after prac­ti­cing with imvi. Now it’s not just mum who can read the bedtime stories.”

För­bätt­ring: +41% läs­has­tig­het och +6% samsyn

Rasmus 45 years old, Data sci­en­tist

“My 10 years old son Ture has been trai­ning with Imvi. Already after 6 weeks we saw impro­ve­ments in reading, but after 12 weeks Ture has found a com­ple­tely dif­fe­rent fluency in his reading. Schoolwork, homework and even leisure acti­vi­ties now go much better.”

För­bätt­ring: +800% läs­has­tig­het och +48% samsyn

Linda Peters­son, Licen­sed opti­cian

“I have ADHD and the best thing about the trai­ning was that I could reduce my fatigue and incre­ase my reading speed!”

För­bätt­ring: +35% läs­has­tig­het och +59% samsyn

Erik 33 years old, Psycho­lo­gist

Imvi get started — VR glasses & app


Our unique paten­ted solu­tion to train reading speed, con­cent­ra­tion and reduce fatigue and eye strain.

Imvi start, 12-week trai­ning license for one user, 3 reading tests that are done at the start, after 6 and 12 weeks, respecti­vely. 12 weeks of trai­ning with pictu­res and film.

You can split the payment over 3, 6, 12 or 24 months.

VR glasses
Com­for­table and light VR glasses, with good lenses that are perfect for our trai­ning and of course also for other things with VR.

Easy to handle:
Handles all mobile phones with screen sizes from 4.7¨-7.2
Can be used both with and without glasses, fits glasses with a width/height of 145x50mm
Can be used with mobile phone case on
Easily center the mobile phone
Can easily adjust sharp­ness and pupil­lary distance with a knob on the top
Sui­table for ages 8 and up
CE and RoHS marking

Read more

Continue training


Choose between 6 weeks, 6 months or 12 months of con­ti­nu­ing trai­ning. Con­ti­nue trai­ning Choose between 6 weeks, 6 months or 12 months of con­ti­nu­ing trai­ning. Extend your license and con­ti­nue prac­ti­cing your reading with us. Here you can choose from as little as 6 weeks up to 12 months. Con­ti­nu­ing to train with us is a popular option. Here you can choose from as little as 6 weeks up to 12 months. Con­ti­nu­ing to train with us is a popular option. Con­ti­nu­ing to train with us is a popular option. Read more about why you may need to keep exer­ci­sing

This is how it works

Test and monitor your progress

You take a test where we measure your reading speed and ver­gence before the start of trai­ning, after six and twelve weeks. You can easily follow results and impro­ve­ments in our app.

Train for twelve weeks — 15 minutes each time

The trai­ning actu­ally only takes a quarter of an hour to com­plete. Over the course of 12 weeks, you must train 4 times a week. Which in turn 12 hours in total. Before each workout, you should calibrate so that the workout is adapted to you for the best results. All this is done directly in the app, smooth right?

Relax and enjoy!

The trai­ning itself is not par­ticu­larly hard, you can lie down or sit com­for­tably and just relax while watching pictu­res or videos with VR glasses. Maybe you even have music, audi­o­books or podcasts in your ears?

You can now train to any content from a popular strea­ming service

Only the imvi app


Our unique paten­ted solu­tion for trai­ning reading speed, con­cent­ra­tion and redu­cing eye fatigue and exer­tion.
imvi start, 12 week trai­ning license for a user.
3 reading tests done at start, after 6 and 12 weeks respecti­vely
12 weeks trai­ning with pictu­res and film.

VR glasses only


VR glasses
Com­for­table and lightweight VR glasses, with good lenses that are excel­lent for our trai­ning and of course also for other VR appli­ca­tions.

Easy to handle:
Can handle all mobiles with screen sizes from 4.7¨-7.2¨
Can be used both with and without glasses, fits glasses with width / height 145x50mm
Can be used with mobile cover on
Easily center your mobile
Can easily adjust sharp­ness and pupil distance with knobs on the top
Sui­table from about 8 years upwards
CE and RoHS marking

Read more

Are you a school?

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



For subscription customers