
We have helped over 4000 people get better

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Parents, teachers, opticians

AnnicaMom of 2 Imvi trai­ners
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“Both of my kids have dyslexia and ADHD, which brings chal­lenges every day, espe­ci­ally at school. They started trai­ning with Imvi, and we hoped it would help improve their reading speed, making reading and school a bit less exhaus­ting. But honestly, we didn’t expect the incre­dible results and the feeling of impro­ve­ment that 12 weeks of trai­ning with Imvi has brought! It’s one thing for the tests to show big impro­ve­ments in reading speed, but what’s truly amazing is that our kids now feel like reading is less of a struggle. Child­ren with dyslexia often face other chal­lenges as well. Anyt­hing we can do to make school and eve­ryday life less drai­ning for them is a win. We even thought the 15-minute ses­sions, 4 times a week, would be tiring, but with SVT Play, it’s just so easy to keep going!”
Johanna Lindgren Chin
Johanna Lind­gren ChinSpecial Educa­tion Teacher
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“Viola has been trai­ning for a total of 24 weeks now and con­ti­nues to make pro­gress! She’s noti­cing a big dif­fe­rence in her reading, espe­ci­ally with schoolwork and when she reads books. She descri­bes it as if she’s now spee­ding through the text because it’s so much faster. I can see that her self-esteem and con­fi­dence in reading have impro­ved. When we read aloud toget­her, I notice she’s much more con­fi­dent in her reading than before. It’s clear that better eye coor­di­na­tion, with fewer issues, has also led to a faster reading speed.”
LindaOpti­cian and mom to 10 year old Imvi trainer
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“Ture was strugg­ling with reading, and we suspec­ted eye coor­di­na­tion issues. After trying Imvi, he quickly took to the trai­ning – now, with SVT Play, he loves lear­ning while watching docu­men­ta­ries. After just 12 weeks, his reading speed and fluency have impro­ved dra­ma­ti­cally, and his curi­o­sity for reading is back. Imvi has been simple to use and deli­ve­red fan­tastic results. We’re thril­led with Ture’s pro­gress, and now his little brother is excited to try it too!”
Annika H.
Annika H.Mom of 2 Imvi trai­ners
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“Mina två söner har tränat med Imvi-appen, och har fått stora för­bätt­ringar. Bättre fokus, mer kon­cent­ra­tion, lättare för att läsa, och även huvud­värk som har blivit mycket bättre. Måns och Pontus hade sam­syns­pro­blem och för­bätt­rade sina resul­tat i skolan, läs-och kon­cent­ra­tions­för­må­gan, och mins­kade problem med svår huvud­värk som gav 25% från­varo i skolan.”
Rickard Nordström
Rickard Nord­strömTeacher
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“Wow, Ebbe’s reading speed has really impro­ved! 12 weeks ago, he began using Imvi to work on his reading speed. After com­ple­ting the 12-week program, the results are impres­sive. He trained 4 times a week for 15 minutes each session, and we’ve noticed a sig­ni­fi­cant dif­fe­rence!”
Moa Mom to 10 year old Imvi trainer
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“My daugh­ter Iris, 10 years old, and I have been using Imvi for 12 weeks, and we’ve seen amazing results. Iris was dia­gno­sed with dyslexia, and this trai­ning has been fan­tastic for her. As for me, I’ve strugg­led with eye coor­di­na­tion issues my whole life. I often feel like the letters move around, and it’s hard to con­centrate when I read. It feels like one eye is off and it’s exhaus­ting to focus and get them to work toget­her. But after just 12 weeks, I’ve noticed a big dif­fe­rence. My eyes feel more relaxed, and I can focus much better when I read.”
Johanna Sjunnesson
Johanna Sjun­nes­sonSpe­ci­al­pe­da­gog
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“I first heard about Imvi at my job as a special educa­tor and thought it was amazing that such a tech inno­va­tion could help our stu­dents with their chal­lenges. Since the stu­dents had such great results, I thought my son could also benefit from trai­ning to improve his reading, espe­ci­ally now that he’s star­ting to read a lot more at school. After just 10 weeks, he was able to read more chal­lenging books with much greater ease.”
Training success

For all ages

“I used to struggle to keep up with all my homework, but now eve­ryt­hing goes much more smoothly. I love being able to read faster and still remem­ber eve­ryt­hing I’ve read.”

“It’s not only helped me read faster, but also impro­ved my focus and how well I can absorb infor­ma­tion. Now, I feel more pre­pa­red for uni­ver­sity.”

“As a working mom, time has always been limited. Imvi Labs’ trai­ning has helped me boost my reading speed, while also giving me some much-needed ‘me time’—which has been such a relief.”

“I didn’t have any issues with eye coor­di­na­tion, but with 7 hours of reading and screen time a day, a 21% incre­ase in reading speed has made a huge dif­fe­rence in my pro­ducti­vity. I’ve gained a new super­po­wer!”

“As a lawyer, I con­stantly need to review large amounts of text, and it used to take a lot of energy. Now, I can absorb the content faster and with less effort.”

I didn’t think I would get such good results as I did. I’ve always thought it was hard to have an eye that I wasn’t really looking with. It has follo­wed the other and I have had joint vision to a certain extent, but I have never known for sure if I am looking at the person in front of me with that eye or if I am squin­ting. Now I can see for real with both eyes and it feels fan­tastic! Many thanks to you at Imvi for this!

“Three years ago, I suf­fe­red a stroke. After two years of reha­bi­li­ta­tion, I was still strugg­ling with reduced vision, double vision, fatigue, and poor memory. But I didn’t give up. A year ago, I was intro­du­ced to Imvi Labs, and thanks to their VR tech­no­logy, I’ve been able to over­come many of the issues from the stroke and regain my life.”

Ready to help your child thrive?

Unlock your child’s poten­tial with our easy, at-home eye trai­ning program. Whether they’re strugg­ling with reading or simply need a boost in focus, Imvi is here to help.

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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