
We have helped over 3000 people get better

Rasmus with dyslexia can now read to his children
Annika’s two sons were helped by Imvi Labs
Mikael increased his reading speed

Filippa 14 years old

“I used to struggle to catch up on all my homework but now eve­ryt­hing goes much smoot­her. I love being able to read faster and still remem­ber eve­ryt­hing I’ve read.”

Johan 42 years old

“As a lawyer, I have to con­stantly review large amounts of text, and before it took a lot of energy. Now I can absorb the text faster with less effort.”

Hanna 18 years old

“It has not only helped me to incre­ase my reading speed, but also to improve my con­cent­ra­tion and ability to take in infor­ma­tion. I am ready for uni­ver­sity now.”

Fatima 32 years old

“As a working mother, time has always been in short supply. Imvi Lab’s trai­ning has helped me incre­ase my reading speed. But at the same time, the trai­ning has given me some time on my own, which has been very nice.”

9 out of 10 recommend Imvi Labs

Imvis ambassadors

“Wow, our reading speed has incre­a­sed!
12 weeks ago me & Ebbe started a trai­ning to incre­ase our reading speed.

Now Ebbe & I are done with our trai­ning & we have got fan­tastic results. We have trained 4 times/week for 15 minutes for 12 weeks. Ebbe’s results after 12 weeks of trai­ning:
— For sen­tence chains that are most similar to ordi­nary reading, he has incre­a­sed by 40%.
— For cha­rac­ter chains that have the strong­est con­nec­tion to con­sen­sus, he has incre­a­sed by 5%.
— For word chains, he has incre­a­sed by 7%.
— Ebbe has incre­a­sed his con­ver­gence by 20%”

“Viola has now been trai­ning for a total of 24 weeks and con­ti­nues to make pro­gress! Viola notices a big dif­fe­rence in her reading, espe­ci­ally in school work and when she reads books. She descri­bes it as now skip­ping ahead in the text because it goes so fast.

I notice that she has better self-esteem and con­fi­dence when it comes to reading. When we read aloud toget­her, I also notice that she is much more con­fi­dent in her reading than before. It is clear that an impro­ved vision with less trouble, also an impro­ved reading speed.”

Annica, Mother of two sons

“Both my child­ren have Dyslexia and ADHD. Dia­gno­ses that both mean chal­lenges in eve­ryday life and espe­ci­ally at school. We were advised by friends to try Imvi Labs. They had both trained with the Imvi app. We beli­e­ved and hoped for impro­ved reading speed, which in practice for our child­ren means less energy con­sump­tion to read and to go to school. But we didn’t really dare to hope for the results and the feeling of impro­ve­ment that 12 weeks of trai­ning with Imvi has meant.

That the tests show great impro­ve­ments in reading speed is one thing, but that our child­ren have a feeling and expe­ri­ence that reading is less dif­ficult is abso­lu­tely fan­tastic! Child­ren with dyslexia often have other chal­lenges as well. Anyt­hing we can do to make school and eve­ryday life less energy deman­ding is fan­tastic for these child­ren. We also thought that it would be exhaus­ting to watch the 15 minutes x 4 times/week, but with SVT play it’s “all you have to do!”

Linda Petersson, Mother to Ture, 10 years old

Linda’s son Ture has had to struggle a bit with reading, but it’s still going quite well, but Linda has suspec­ted that they might have a small vision problem in the picture, and she has inve­sti­ga­ted and there is no other vision problem that affects.

After con­si­de­ra­tion with husband Martin, they decided to invest in Imvi’s trai­ning, which they thought seemed simple and moti­va­ting.

Linda knows very well that for con­sen­sus trai­ning to be suc­cess­ful, you have to follow the trai­ning program and here she saw a big chal­lenge with the other methods she knows.

- They were never rele­vant as they would not have worked for Ture, says Linda.

Ture was helped by Linda to get started the first few times, but quickly fell in love with the app and VR, found it both fun and a bit exci­ting and has managed the trai­ning himself with a few remin­ders to do the trai­ning.

-After Imvi intro­du­ced the pos­si­bi­lity

to train with SVT Play, there is no need for remin­ders anymore. “Ture has found exci­ting docu­men­ta­ries, and is lear­ning a lot of things while prac­ti­cing con­sen­sus,” says Linda.

Accor­ding to the con­ver­gence test, Ture had no major co-vision pro­blems, but after the trai­ning they are com­ple­tely gone and all the symptoms that pre­viously bot­he­red are gone and the reading speed has impro­ved a lot.

It’s fan­tastic to see the deve­lop­ment, you can really see that he is picking up on things much faster. He reads words faster, even words that are quite complex and so he has a com­ple­tely dif­fe­rent flow in his reading. And now he is untroubled to read and curi­o­sity has been awa­kened about eve­ryt­hing you can find out when you read unhin­de­red by your­self, says Linda.

The best thing about the trai­ning has been that it is easy to use, acces­sible, goes quickly and gives such great results! She says further. Imvi has been great and sup­por­ted in a fan­tastic way. We are so satis­fied and happy that Ture under­went this trai­ning, somet­hing he will benefit from throug­hout his life and not least throug­hout his schoo­ling! Little brother hangs on the train and will get the chance to train with him even­tu­ally.

Felicia 12 years old

Impro­ved reading speed by 40% and con­ver­gence by 62%. The school has announced that her lan­gu­age has impro­ved!

Elliot 21 years old

Impro­ved his con­ver­gence by 48% and has no remai­ning con­ver­gence pro­blems. At the same time has made a reading speed impro­ve­ment of 83%.

Leo 10 years old

Incre­a­sed reading speed by 800%.
Teachers per­ceive him as a happier and more engaged class­mate. Also helps others in the class.

What motivated you?

“Knowing it will help me.”

Click the video and hear Thomas talk about his expe­ri­ence and how Imvi Labs trai­ning helped him.

Reading speed impro­ves on average by 69%

We have trained people between the ages of 8 and 81

Con­sen­sus impro­ves on average by 44%

Money back if you don’t get better

With the Imvi gua­ran­tee, you don’t have to worry about not achi­e­ving results. If you don’t get better, you get your money back.

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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