
Reading and writing difficulties

Reading and writing dif­ficul­ties can be a major chal­lenge for people of all ages, but what many people don’t realize is that these chal­lenges can be due to pro­blems with how the eyes coor­di­nate toget­her.

det går att göra någonting åt läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency, or CI, occurs when the eyes do not work toget­her pro­perly. This lack of coor­di­na­tion can directly affect a per­son’s ability to read and write effecti­vely. Thus, for those who expe­ri­ence pro­blems with reading and writing, con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency pro­blems may be the under­ly­ing cause. If you want to find out if you may have issues with eye coor­di­na­tion, take our free test below.

People with reading and writing dif­ficul­ties improve by 101% through our VR method.

A few words from satisfied customers

My reading speed incre­a­sed by 50%. Now when I read aloud to the child­ren, I notice that I don’t stop and go back in the text. My eyes aren’t as tired after a day of work either.

Rasmus Thorn­berg

Wow, our reading speed has incre­a­sed! 12 weeks ago me & my son started a trai­ning to incre­ase our reading speed. Now Ebbe & I are done with our trai­ning & we have got fan­tastic results.

Rickard Nord­ström

My reading speed incre­a­sed by 40% but, more impor­tantly, I can now read in con­cent­ra­tion for 40 minutes instead of 10 minutes. It makes school work so much easier.

Host of dyslexic podcast

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