Reading and writing difficulties
Reading and writing difficulties can be a major challenge for people of all ages, but what many people don’t realize is that these challenges can be due to problems with how the eyes coordinate together.
Convergence insufficiency, or CI, occurs when the eyes do not work together properly. This lack of coordination can directly affect a person’s ability to read and write effectively. Thus, for those who experience problems with reading and writing, convergence insufficiency problems may be the underlying cause. If you want to find out if you may have issues with eye coordination, take our free test below.
People with reading and writing difficulties improve by 101% through our VR method.
A few words from satisfied customers
My reading speed increased by 50%. Now when I read aloud to the children, I notice that I don’t stop and go back in the text. My eyes aren’t as tired after a day of work either.
Wow, our reading speed has increased! 12 weeks ago me & my son started a training to increase our reading speed. Now Ebbe & I are done with our training & we have got fantastic results.
My reading speed increased by 40% but, more importantly, I can now read in concentration for 40 minutes instead of 10 minutes. It makes school work so much easier.