
Latent Squint — How to fix your Heterophoria

Latent squint, also known as latent stra­bis­mus or hete­rop­ho­ria, is an eye con­di­tion where the eyes are not per­fectly aligned to the same point. It is a type of squint that is not always visible, as the affec­ted person can often align both eyes correctly under normal cir­cumstan­ces. This con­di­tion typi­cally appears when the per­son’s visual system is stres­sed or fati­gued.

Latent squint differs from mani­fest squint in several sig­ni­fi­cant ways. While mani­fest squint is con­stantly visible—where one or both eyes con­si­stently point in a direc­tion dif­fe­rent from the other—latent stra­bis­mus is more subtle and often not noti­ce­able during casual obser­va­tion. Latent squint only appears under spe­ci­fic con­di­tions, such as fatigue or stress, and can lead to tem­po­rary visual issues like double vision. In con­trast, people with mani­fest squint have a per­si­stent and obvious eye devi­a­tion, which can cause more lasting visual pro­blems and often requires more inten­sive tre­at­ment, such as surgery, exten­ded visual trai­ning, or the use of spe­ci­a­li­zed glasses. In summary, the main dif­fe­rence between latent and mani­fest squint is that the latent form is inter­mit­tent and often hidden, while the mani­fest form is con­stant and visible.

Symptoms of Latent Squint

Latent squint can mani­fest through a range of symptoms. The most common issues include:

  • Eye fatigue: Since the eyes are con­stantly strai­ning to stay aligned, this can result in eye fatigue. Such fatigue is often wor­sened by long periods in front of screens or during con­centra­ted tasks.

  • Hea­daches: Recur­ring hea­daches, espe­ci­ally after visual exer­tion, can be a sign of latent squint. This type of hea­dache often occurs in the fore­head or around the eyes.

  • Double vision: Some­ti­mes indi­vi­du­als may expe­ri­ence their vision doubling, which is a direct result of the eyes not coo­pe­ra­ting pro­perly. Double vision can be par­ticu­larly noti­ce­able when tired or at the end of the day.

  • Dif­ficul­ties with depth per­cep­tion: Poor depth per­cep­tion is another common con­se­quence of latent squint. This can make it hard for indi­vi­du­als to judge distan­ces accu­ra­tely, which is impor­tant in many eve­ryday situ­a­tions.

  • Reading dif­ficul­ties: Indi­vi­du­als may struggle to read effi­ci­ently as the eyes have dif­ficulty following a line of text smoothly. This can lead to slow reading speeds and chal­lenges in retai­ning infor­ma­tion.

child with a latent squint

Treatment and Remedies

Pre­viously, tre­at­ment methods for latent squint were often deman­ding and time-con­su­ming. A common remedy has been vision trai­ning, where eye exer­ci­ses are per­for­med over an exten­ded period to strengthen the eye muscles and improve coor­di­na­tion between the eyes.

Another measure is the use of prism glasses, which have spe­ci­a­li­zed lenses to correct vision and reduce double vision. In more severe cases, sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion may be requi­red to adjust the posi­tion of the eye muscles and correct the squint.

Another method invol­ves using an occlu­sion patch, which covers one eye to train and strengthen the other eye. These tre­at­ments typi­cally demand long-term and con­ti­nu­ous effort from the patient, with regular visits to eye spe­ci­a­lists for follow-ups and adjust­ments to the tre­at­ment plan.


Imvi Labs, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Karo­linska Insti­tu­tet, has deve­lo­ped a method that trains eye coor­di­na­tion in just 12 weeks. Through this trai­ning, both eyes are forced to work toget­her simul­ta­ne­ously, resul­ting not only in faster reading speeds and impro­ved con­cent­ra­tion but also in the poten­tial eli­mi­na­tion of latent stra­bis­mus.

The trai­ning is per­for­med using VR glasses, ensu­ring that the indi­vi­dual per­cei­ves only one image instead of two screens. Instead of using a tra­di­tio­nal pencil exer­cise, you can now train your binocu­lar vision and eye coor­di­na­tion much faster—and more enjoyably.

The trai­ning is both effective and enter­tai­ning, as it invol­ves watching videos, for example, on YouTube or SVT Play.

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