
Patented VR training

Boost your reading and concentration skills

Did you know that eye coor­di­na­tion affects reading speed and con­cent­ra­tion? Imvi Labs, in col­la­bo­ra­tion with rese­ar­chers at the Karo­linska Insti­tute, has deve­lo­ped an effective solu­tion to improve eye coor­di­na­tion. Now, you can easily enhance your reading speed for life by watching strea­med content in VR.

This is how our training works

Test yourself

You answer 15 ques­tions about eye coor­di­na­tion and test your reading speed before the start of the trai­ning. We then follow up every six weeks.


You train your brain and eye coor­di­na­tion in VR with our app on your mobile. Here you can, for example, watch YouTube while you train.


You get the results for how you develop your eye coor­di­na­tion and reading speed. We send out per­so­na­li­zed reports on your pro­gress.

Most children have no idea how they are supposed to see

Many child­ren may not realize the fun­da­men­tal role their vision plays in their daily lives. From reading to playing sports, good eye coor­di­na­tion is essen­tial for success in various acti­vi­ties. Without proper coor­di­na­tion, tasks like reading can become chal­lenging, leading to fru­stra­tion and poten­tial lear­ning dif­ficul­ties. 

Common symptoms are fatigue, dif­ficulty con­cent­ra­ting, slow reading speed, hea­daches and eye strain. These pro­blems are also common in people with dyslexia and ADHD. With our trai­ning, users notice lifelong impro­ve­ments in their reading ability and eye coor­di­na­tion with Imvi.

The difference we make is real!

Linda’s son Ture, 10 years old

“We are so thril­led that Ture com­ple­ted imvi’s trai­ning. This will cer­tainly benefit him for life, espe­ci­ally during his schoo­ling!”

Rasmus, 45 years old

“I have strugg­led with my dyslexia all my life. After trai­ning with imvi, my reading speed impro­ved over 50%. Now it’s not just mum who can read the bedtime stories!”

Sabine’s son Nils, 9 years old

“It’s impres­sive how much faster and more flu­ently he reads now. It’s great to see the trai­ning paying off!” So won­der­ful to see that the trai­ning is paying off!”

Why train with Imvi?


When it’s time to train, simply launch the app and place your phone in the VR headset.

Follow your progress

You can follow your/your child’s deve­lop­ment and results in the app.


Through strea­ming pro­vi­ders, like YouTube, you can train by watching enter­tai­ning content.


Achieve posi­tive and lifelong results with 12 weeks of con­si­stent trai­ning!


We help improve the coor­di­na­tion between the eyes and brain by trai­ning them to focus on a single point. If your eye coor­di­na­tion is not precise, it can reduce blood flow and oxy­ge­na­tion to your brain. This can lead to feeling tired and fati­gued in as little as 10 minutes of work or reading.

Our trai­ning pre­vents these pro­blems and strengthens your reading speed, endu­rance, and focus by trai­ning both eyes to work toget­her. For people with greater pro­blems with eye coor­di­na­tion, double vision can also be expe­ri­enced, but this can be trained away by impro­ving the coo­pe­ra­tion between the eyes. Double vision can be very tiring and tiring for the eyes. With Imvi’s trai­ning you can avoid this.

Right now you can stream all content from SVT play in the app. plans to expand to more strea­ming ser­vices in the future.

Studies show that 15 minutes of trai­ning, 4 times a week for about 12 weeks can per­ma­nently improve your vision. It is impor­tant to stay coni­s­tent with the trai­ning to see per­ma­nent results. You should train regu­larly without inter­rup­tion.

Trai­ning longer or more often can also have a posi­tive effect. Trai­ning less than the recom­men­ded period may not lead to results. In con­nec­tion with tests after 12 weeks of trai­ning, we eva­lu­ate whether there is further impro­ve­ment poten­tial that justi­fies con­ti­nued trai­ning.

We only recom­mend using imvi’s VR glasses. We eva­lu­a­ted many VR headsets and have opti­mi­zed the trai­ning spe­ci­fi­cally for the model we are using. Our VR glasses have ideal optical pro­per­ties, adjus­table focal and pupil distance, and can be used with glasses. Addi­tio­nally, they handle all screen sizes and are com­for­table and easy to handle.

We also recom­mend that each person trai­ning use their own VR, as sharp­ness and pupil distance set­tings differ between indi­vi­du­als.

Our trai­ning instruc­tions are spe­ci­fi­cally made to match our model.

We cannot provide support on how to use other models as we do not know all models. We also cannot gua­ran­tee the result, as the optical pro­per­ties may differ.

Studies show that impro­ve­ments in vision are per­ma­nent.

No,the VR glasses are neces­sary because each eye requires a sepa­rate screen for the trai­ning to be effective.

Yes, the trai­ning will not be affec­ted by wearing glasses or contact lenses.

However, the glasses must fit in the VR glasses if you need them to see well at about two meters away.

If you wear prism glasses, please contact us before trai­ning.

Studies show that the vast majo­rity, on average, incre­ase their reading speed by about 60%. For people with reading dif­ficul­ties, the impro­ve­ments are usually sig­ni­fi­cantly higher.

The symptoms asso­ci­a­ted with vision pro­blems, such as hea­daches, fatigue, strai­ned eyes, and con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems, etc., decre­ase with regular trai­ning.

We have trained over 2,500 people and over 99% of those who have com­ple­ted the trai­ning have impro­ved their vision/reading speed.

We have trained people between the ages of 8 and 81. All who have com­ple­ted the trai­ning have impro­ved their reading speed. Common symptoms of vision pro­blems include hea­daches, fatigue, eye strain, and con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems related to reading or doing close-up work.

We have seen very good results in people with dyslexia and ADHD. We advise those with stra­bis­mus, double vision from stroke, con­cus­sion, or post-COVID con­di­tions consult with us or their opti­cian before under­go­ing trai­ning. People who read a lot or do close work can benefit greatly from our trai­ning.

Ver­gence trai­ning is risk-free.

People who have visible stra­bis­mus, amblyo­pia, use prism glasses or have double vision after a stroke, con­cus­sion or post-COVID, must consult us or their opti­cian before trai­ning.

Rickard’s fantastic results

Rickard has impro­ved his ver­gence by 74%. Now, he reads much faster, main­tains focus for longer periods, and finds it much easier to absorb larger amounts of text.

“It feels amazing to make such sig­ni­fi­cant pro­gress so effort­lessly. Espe­ci­ally with the strea­ming service SVT Play,” Says Rickard.

The method behind imvi

By impro­ving joint vision, you can relieve the brain and free up capa­city from sight to lan­gu­age. Even minor issues with eye coor­di­na­tion can lead to mental fatigue and can nega­ti­vely impact reading skills, focus, and overall well-being.

Our trai­ning helps you read for longer with better speed, less fatigue, impro­ved focus, and reduced eye strain.

child with a latent squint
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Over 2500 trained

In coo­pe­ra­tion and support with:

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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