
Empower your child to read with confidence

Our method trains and impro­ves reading speed and con­cent­ra­tion, all while watching strea­med content in VR.

Simple, effective, and enga­ging trai­ning.

Does your child struggle to read?

Seeing your child struggle with reading can be tough, espe­ci­ally when they’re trying hard but still fall behind. 

How well a child’s eyes work toget­her plays a crucial role in their reading journey. Issues like skip­ping lines or eye fatigue might actu­ally stem from poor eye coor­di­na­tion.

Eye coor­di­na­tion is how well both eyes work toget­her to help your child easily follow words on a page. When their eyes aren’t in sync, reading can feel harder and more tiring.

For child­ren with reading chal­lenges, dyslexia, or ADHD, this struggle is even greater, impacting reading fluency, com­pre­hen­sion, con­fi­dence, and school per­for­mance.


Transform reading struggles into a fun experience

Imvi’s science-backed trai­ning program com­bi­nes trai­ning and fun by letting your child enjoy their favo­rite shows in VR while impro­ving their eye coor­di­na­tion.

With just 15 minutes a day, 4 times a week, your child can train their eyes to work seam­lessly with their brain, enhan­cing focus and reading fluency.

The results?

  • No more skip­ping words while reading.
  • A new­found exci­te­ment for books and lear­ning.
  • Boosted con­fi­dence in school and eve­ryday life.
For children with reading difficulties

We have helped child­ren and teens from 7 years and up improve reading speed and con­cent­ra­tion by trai­ning their eye coor­di­na­tion.

Three easy steps to train


In the Imvi app, your child chooses the content they want to watch, before placing the phone in the VR glasses.


Next, they put on the VR goggles and calibrate their trai­ning session. This step helps measure your child’s pro­gress.


Now they can relax and enjoy 15 minutes of watching movies, while strengthe­ning their eye coor­di­na­tion!

Hear children and teens share their Imvi experience.


We have trained over 4,000 people, and more than 99% of those who com­ple­ted the trai­ning have expe­ri­enced impro­ved binocu­lar vision and faster reading speed.

Child­ren aged 13 or younger can create a user­name and pas­sword to log in and start trai­ning, with paren­tal or guar­dian consent requi­red during regi­stra­tion.

For indi­vi­du­als aged 14 and older, an email address is requi­red to create an account and log in. This ensures a per­so­na­li­zed and secure login expe­ri­ence for all users.


Imvi offers a free account in the app for parents/guardians who want to monitor their child’s trai­ning.

To monitor your child’s trai­ning, click “Sign up here” under the “Create Account” button. Then, follow the instruc­tions in the app to add your child to your moni­to­ring account.

Binocu­lar vision trai­ning is risk-free.

However, indi­vi­du­als with visible stra­bis­mus, amblyo­pia, those who wear pris­ma­tic glasses, or who expe­ri­ence double vision after a stroke, con­cus­sion, or post-COVID should consult with us or their opto­met­rist before star­ting trai­ning.

Are you ready to improve your child’s reading skills?

Eve­ry­one who com­ple­tes the 12-week trai­ning program impro­ves their reading speed!

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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