
Redefine the future of vision training

Boost patient moti­va­tion and improve outcomes with a user-fri­endly alter­na­tive to tra­di­tio­nal vision trai­ning, ensu­ring better com­pli­ance and results.

Recom­men­ded by Opto­met­rists

CE Appro­ved

Paten­ted Tech­ni­que

The problem with traditional training tools

The stan­dard methods for trai­ning binocu­lar dys­fun­c­tion face chal­lenges for both pati­ents and pro­vi­ders, such as:

  • Exer­ci­ses tend to be long and tedious, espe­ci­ally when pre­for­med in-office.
  • Main­tai­ning patient moti­va­tion and com­pli­ance can be dif­ficult.
  • Many pati­ents discon­ti­nue trai­ning pre­ma­tu­rely, often when symptoms start to improve, pre­ven­ting long-term results.

Offer a flexible and modern alternative

We understand that effective, con­si­stent trai­ning is essen­tial for achi­e­ving patient success. That’s why we deve­lo­ped a user-fri­endly alter­na­tive to empower indi­vi­du­als to improve their visual attention—effortlessly and con­ve­ni­ently, from the comfort of home.

Imvi main­tains the proven effecti­ve­ness of tra­di­tio­nal trai­ning while making it more flex­ible and enjoyable to ensure your pati­ents stay com­mitted throug­hout the program.

  • Improve cli­ni­cal outcomes
  • Opti­mize daily cli­ni­cal workload
  • Incre­ase patient satis­faction

How it works

Imvi’s trai­ning impro­ves binocu­lar fun­c­tion for people of all ages, while they enjoy their favou­rite shows on their mobile in VR.

The paten­ted oscil­la­ting tech­ni­que helps both eyes coor­di­nate during trai­ning, allowing the brain to merge the images into a stable viewing expe­ri­ence in virtual reality.

Includes popular streaming platforms
One-time setup

Tests and custo­mi­sed VR setup tai­lo­red to indi­vi­dual pupil­lary distance mea­su­re­ments, leading to better results.

15-minute training

Trai­ning requires just 15 minutes a day, 4 times a week, making it simple to fit into your pati­ents daily routine.

Measurable results

After com­ple­ting the program, pro­vi­ders can undergo patient eva­lu­a­tions to assess impro­ve­ments from trai­ning.

Exclusive benefits for practitioners

To help you suc­cess­fully imple­ment Imvi Labs solu­tion, we offer:

  • FREE online trai­ning session for your team.
  • Unli­mi­ted pri­o­rity tech support.
  • Access to Imvi’s moni­to­ring portal to track trai­ning pro­gress.

Contact us to learn more

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