
Convergence insufficiency

Con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency is a con­di­tion where the eyes have trouble working toget­her as a team. It’s not a problem with the eyes them­sel­ves, but rather with the brain’s ability to coor­di­nate them. Each eye may work well on its own, but toget­her they may have dif­ficulty focu­sing on the same point.

What is convergence insufficiency

When indi­vi­du­als expe­ri­ence con­ver­gence pro­blems, they may find it chal­lenging to focus their eyes on a single point. In such cases, the brain needs to work harder and use energy from the frontal lobe to see things more clearly.

Con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency, which can be present from birth or acqui­red later in life, is becoming incre­a­singly common due to the exces­sive use of mobile phones and tablets.

An growing trend

When you spend a lot of time doing close work, like reading or looking at a screen, it can strain your eyes. This can cause people who didn’t know they had minor vision issues to sud­denly expe­ri­ence symptoms.

This is a growing and con­cer­ning trend among child­ren, as more of them are expe­ri­en­cing incre­a­sed Con­ver­gence Insuf­fi­ci­ency. Reports indi­cate that up to 25% of child­ren are affec­ted by this con­di­tion, which often coin­ci­des with a rapid rise in near­sighted­ness. This is likely due to child­ren using mobile phones and tablets at a very young age. Addi­tio­nally, issues with eye coor­di­na­tion are quite common among indi­vi­du­als over 60 years old.


Eye strain
Reading difficulties
Concentration problems
Writing difficulties
Problems with depth perception
Eye fatigue
Blurred or double vision
Tiredness when reading
Words moving or jumping
Letters flow together

Convergence insufficiency in children

Con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency can affect both child­ren and adults. However, it can be dif­ficult to detect in child­ren as they may not be aware of it as a visual problem. Inte­re­s­tingly, some child­ren who are dia­gno­sed with reading and writing dif­ficul­ties may actu­ally be expe­ri­en­cing con­ver­gence issues.

What can cause convergence insufficiency?

Con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency can be caused by various factors, inclu­ding:

  • Con­ge­ni­tal

  • Here­di­tary

  • Stress

  • Dys­fun­c­tion of the eye muscles

  • Uncorrec­ted vision defects

  • Con­cus­sions

  • Neurological/systemic dise­a­ses

  • Illness (high fever or infec­tions)

How is convergence insufficiency treated?

Con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency can be treated with pre­scrip­tion glasses, surgery, or con­ver­gence trai­ning exer­ci­ses. In the past, pencil push-ups were advised to improve eye coor­di­na­tion. This exer­cise invol­ves focu­sing on a pen or pencil as it is moved back and forth from arm’s length to the nose.

Imvi Labs has deve­lo­ped a method that impro­ves con­ver­gence insuf­fi­ci­ency by watching movies in VR.

The app allows you to watch movies that display two hori­zon­tally aligned images on the screen – one for each eye. With the VR glasses on, you will per­ceive one image (instead of two) resul­ting in a quicker and more enjoyable trai­ning expe­ri­ence com­pa­red to tra­di­tio­nal pencil push-up trai­ning exer­ci­ses.

Addi­tio­nally, you can choose the content you wish to view during trai­ning, with both videos and pictu­res avai­lable.

What our customers say

My reading speed incre­a­sed by 50%. Now when I read aloud to the child­ren, I notice that I don’t stop and go back in the text. My eyes aren’t as tired after a day of work either.

Rasmus Thorn­berg

Wow, our reading speed has incre­a­sed! 12 weeks ago me & my son started a trai­ning to incre­ase our reading speed. Now Ebbe & I are done with our trai­ning & we have got fan­tastic results.

Rickard Nord­ström

My reading speed incre­a­sed by 40% but, more impor­tantly, I can now read for 40 minutes at a time, instead of 10 minutes. It makes school work so much easier.

Driver Nozzle pod

What did the child get out of the trai­ning?

“Better reading speed is a great advan­tage in all school work.
It has also had a posi­tive impact on Erik’s self-con­fi­dence!”

Ulrika, Jär­fälla
Mother of son Erik, 11 years old, who trained

Try our patented VR training.

Train away your vision pro­blems by watching movies. 

Per­for­mance gua­ran­tee

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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