
Problems with concentration and ADHD

Con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems, adhd, dyslexia and dyscal­cu­lia often occurs toget­her with con­ver­gence pro­blems, i.e. eye coor­di­na­tion pro­blems. In some cases, even the dia­gno­ses are con­fu­sed.

Con­ver­gence pro­blems affect around 10% of the popu­la­tion. In the case of con­ve­grence pro­blems, each eye can work well on its own, but toget­her there are pro­blems. The inte­rac­tion between the eyes is con­trol­led by the brain.

Eyes coor­di­na­tion pro­blems can for example result in stra­bis­mus and these can be visible or hidden. Even very small con­ver­gence pro­blems can have a big impact on reading speed, reading endu­rance, ability to con­centrate and the feeling of fatigue, and strai­ned eyes.

This is what it looks like in the app when you train.

What improvements have we seen?

The reading speed impro­ve­ments for child­ren aged 10–15 are on average around 110% and cor­re­spond to an impro­ve­ment of 2–4 stanine groups. At the same time, con­cent­ra­tion and par­ti­ci­pa­tion during class time as well as self-con­fi­dence and more are impro­ved.

By trai­ning the brain’s coor­di­na­tion of eye move­ments, the con­ver­gence can be impro­ved. With an impro­ved visual acuity and a relief of the brain that doesn’t have to exert itself as much, up to 80–90% of the brain’s energy can be rele­a­sed.

The energy can instead be used for incre­a­sed con­cent­ra­tion and endu­rance that many with con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems struggle with, as well as to focus on the pho­no­lo­gi­cal pro­blems with word recog­ni­tion and deco­ding that a person with dyslexia con­stantly strugg­les with.

We see these impro­ve­ments in eve­ry­one who follows our trai­ning for 12 weeks. On average, people without known con­ve­grence pro­blems improve their reading speed by 40%, while people with known reading and writing dif­ficul­ties and/or dyslexia improve their reading speed by over 100% on average.

You then achieve impro­ve­ments in reading speed, reading endu­rance and ability to con­centrate.

For people with dyslexia, ADHD, or very deman­ding work with a lot of reading or close work, we see that there are advan­ta­ges to trai­ning longer than 12 weeks and that there is also value in main­te­nance trai­ning.

Pupils who need special support

If a student needs special support, an action program must be drawn up. The program must state what the needs are, how they are to be met and how the mea­su­res are to be follo­wed up and eva­lu­a­ted. The student and the stu­den­t’s guar­dian must be given the oppor­tu­nity to par­ti­ci­pate when an action program is drawn up.

Special support may be given instead of the teaching the student would other­wise have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in or as a sup­ple­ment to it. The special support must be given within the student group to which the student belongs, unless other­wise pro­vi­ded by this Act or another con­sti­tu­tion.

Furt­her­more, insuf­fi­ci­ent resour­ces are not an accep­table justi­fi­ca­tion for not pro­vi­ding a support effort. This means that the school cannot deny a student extra support because there is a lack of money. The School Act’s pro­vi­sions on the right to deve­lop­ment and special support apply to both state, muni­ci­pal and inde­pen­dent schools. The right to help at school for stu­dents who need it is regu­la­ted in the School Act.

The support must be given in the way and to the extent that is needed. This means that it must be given based on the stu­den­t’s own needs and con­di­tions. If the support cannot be given in the regular pre-school and primary school, the muni­ci­pa­lity must offer a place in spe­ci­ally adapted forms.

The school is also obliged to inve­sti­gate the dif­ficul­ties if it is feared that a student will not reach the minimum know­ledge requi­re­ments that must be achi­e­ved.

In order to receive support, it is not requi­red that the student has a dia­gno­sed disa­bi­lity. The support must always be deter­mi­ned based on the indi­vi­dual stu­den­t’s needs. Pro­vi­sions on the right to deve­lop­ment and special support apply to both state, muni­ci­pal and inde­pen­dent schools.

If you have a child at school who gets a result on our free test that shows that the child has con­ver­gence pro­blems, please let the child’s school know about our trai­ning. Know­ledge of eye coordination/convergence vision and its impor­tance for reading and con­cent­ra­tion skills is often defi­ci­ent.

We want all child­ren to be screened for con­ver­gence pro­blems early so that help can be deployed widely and early. This is long-term work. We the­re­fore offer our trai­ning to both private indi­vi­du­als and schools so that help can be deployed now.

We also help people without ADHD

ADHD, con­cent­ra­tion pro­blems, dyslexia, dyscal­cu­lia and con­ver­gence pro­blems often occur toget­her. In some cases, the dia­gno­ses are even con­fu­sed.

That was the case for Thomas, who was dia­gno­sed with ADHD Despite receiving a dia­gno­sis, he still felt that it did not fit him.

Today, Thomas has disco­ve­red the cause of his trou­bles, it is con­ver­gence pro­blems. He trains with us and is expe­ri­en­cing great impro­ve­ments. Thomas’ adhd dia­gno­sis should be removed, as it was incorrect.

We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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