
Imvi Labs added to the SPSM inspiration pages: Improving accessibility in education.

We are happy to announce that Imvi is now on the inspi­ra­tio­nal pages of the Swedish Agency for Special Needs Educa­tion (SPSM).

This inclu­sion marks a sig­ni­fi­cant milestone in our efforts to improve acces­si­bi­lity and strengthen lear­ning expe­ri­ences for all stu­dents, regard­less of their abi­li­ties or disa­bi­li­ties.


SPSM works to ensure that child­ren, pupils and adult lear­ners, regard­less of disa­bi­lity, have the resour­ces and support they need to achieve their educa­tio­nal goals. Through special educa­tion support, teaching in special schools, skills deve­lop­ment, acces­sible lear­ning mate­ri­als and govern­ment grants, SPSM strives to create inclu­sive lear­ning envi­ron­ments.

About SPSM’s inspi­ra­tio­nal pages:

The inspi­ra­tion pages serve as a valu­able resource for educa­tors looking for inspi­ra­tion and ideas in dif­fe­rent areas of educa­tion. Educa­tors can find examples of teaching mate­ri­als, digital tools and teacher lite­ra­ture for dif­fe­rent sub­jects, areas and school types. The mate­ri­als dis­played on these pages have been selec­ted to support child­ren and stu­dents with disa­bi­li­ties and are adapted to current cur­ricula and syl­la­bu­ses.

Inclu­sion of Imvi:

Imvi has been added to the inspi­ra­tion pages, ini­ti­ally under the subject pages for Swedish for all pages related to primary and secon­dary school.


The inclu­sion of Imvi on the SPSM inspi­ra­tion pages under­li­nes our com­mit­ment to pro­moting inclu­sive educa­tion and pro­vi­ding valu­able resour­ces for educa­tors and lear­ners. We are gra­te­ful for this oppor­tu­nity to col­la­bo­rate with SPSM and look forward to the posi­tive impact this col­la­bo­ra­tion will have on stu­dents’ lear­ning. 

For more infor­ma­tion visit the SPSM Inspi­ra­tion pages:

https://hittalaromedel.spsm.se/inspiration/grundskolan-ak‑4–6/grundskola-arskurs‑4–6‑svenska https://hittalaromedel.spsm.se/inspiration/grundskolan-ak‑7–9/svenska/ https://hittalaromedel.spsm.se/inspiration/gymnasieskolan/svenska/


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