Members of Parliament Niels Paarup-Petersen and Fredrik Malm, both on the Education Committee, have initiated a parliamentary seminar on how research from Karolinska Institutet can help solve the reading crisis by identifying and addressing binocular vision issues with VR training in schools.
The latest PISA survey showed that a quarter of Sweden’s 15-year-olds are unable to read or do math adequately. At the same time, research shows that many schoolchildren suffer from binocular vision problems, a common cause of reading difficulties.
Binocular vision problems mean that, although each eye functions well individually, they do not work together optimally. Students with binocular vision issues are usually unaware of their condition but often feel tired from reading and struggle to concentrate in school.
The good news is that binocular vision problems can be trained away, thereby improving reading ability.
It has been shown that everyone benefits from practicing eye coordination, especially students who struggle with reading.
Welcome to a parliamentary seminar on how research from Karolinska Institutet can help solve the reading crisis by identifying and addressing binocular vision issues with VR training in schools.
Date and Location:
November 14, 8:10 AM–9:00 AM, Mittpoolen, Swedish Parliament (Coffee and sandwiches served from 7:45 AM)
- 08:10 — 08:11 Opening by Niels Paarup-Petersen
- 08:11 — 08:15 Introduction by Peter Carlsson
- 08:15 — 08:30 Presentation of research from Karolinska Institutet and traditional binocular vision training
- 08:30 — 08:45 How eye coordination training with Imvi Labs can improve reading ability
- 08:45 — 08:50 What is needed to improve reading skills in schools
- 08:50 — 09:00 Questions and discussion
- 09:00 — 09:30 Opportunity to test the training that enhances reading ability
- Fredrik Malm, Member of Parliament (Liberals), Chair of the Education Committee
- Niels Paarup-Petersen, Member of Parliament (Centre Party), Education Committee
- Rune Brautaset, Professor of Optometry, Karolinska Institutet, Chair of the Swedish Association of Optometrists
- Therese Westerlund, private practice optometrist, Linköping
- Moa Ahrnbom, primary school teacher (grades F‑6) who trains students with Imvi Labs
- Johanna Lindgren-Chin, special education teacher who trains students with Imvi Labs
- Peter Carlsson, CEO and co-founder of Imvi Labs
For more information about the seminar, please contact