
Imvi Labs invites you to a seminar in the Swedish Parliament

Members of Par­li­a­ment Niels Paarup-Peter­sen and Fredrik Malm, both on the Educa­tion Com­mit­tee, have ini­ti­a­ted a par­li­a­men­tary seminar on how rese­arch from Karo­linska Insti­tu­tet can help solve the reading crisis by iden­ti­fy­ing and add­res­sing binocu­lar vision issues with VR trai­ning in schools.

The latest PISA survey showed that a quarter of Swe­den’s 15-year-olds are unable to read or do math adequa­tely. At the same time, rese­arch shows that many school­child­ren suffer from binocu­lar vision pro­blems, a common cause of reading dif­ficul­ties.


  • 08:10 — 08:11 Opening by Niels Paarup-Peter­sen
  • 08:11 — 08:15 Intro­duc­tion by Peter Carls­son
  • 08:15 — 08:30 Pre­sen­ta­tion of rese­arch from Karo­linska Insti­tu­tet and tra­di­tio­nal binocu­lar vision trai­ning
  • 08:30 — 08:45 How eye coor­di­na­tion trai­ning with Imvi Labs can improve reading ability
  • 08:45 — 08:50 What is needed to improve reading skills in schools
  • 08:50 — 09:00 Ques­tions and discus­sion
  • 09:00 — 09:30 Oppor­tu­nity to test the trai­ning that enhan­ces reading ability


  • Fredrik Malm, Member of Par­li­a­ment (Libe­rals), Chair of the Educa­tion Com­mit­tee
  • Niels Paarup-Peter­sen, Member of Par­li­a­ment (Centre Party), Educa­tion Com­mit­tee
  • Rune Braut­a­set, Pro­fes­sor of Opto­metry, Karo­linska Insti­tu­tet, Chair of the Swedish Asso­ci­a­tion of Opto­met­rists
  • Therese Wes­terlund, private practice opto­met­rist, Lin­kö­ping
  • Moa Ahrnbom, primary school teacher (grades F‑6) who trains stu­dents with Imvi Labs
  • Johanna Lind­gren-Chin, special educa­tion teacher who trains stu­dents with Imvi Labs
  • Peter Carls­son, CEO and co-founder of Imvi Labs

For more infor­ma­tion about the seminar, please contact peter@imvilabs.com


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