
Imvi Labs has been accepted into the Creative Destruction Lab (CDL) program

We’re proud to announce that Imvi Labs has been accep­ted into the Cre­a­tive Destruc­tion Lab (CDL) program! We’re excited to fully leve­rage the poten­tial of this oppor­tu­nity as we con­ti­nue our quest to #BuildSo­met­hing­Mas­sive.

Cre­a­tive Destruc­tion Lab (CDL) is a non­pro­fit orga­ni­za­tion that deli­vers an objecti­ves-based program for mas­si­vely sca­lable, seed-stage, science- and tech­no­logy-based com­pa­nies.

This is a sig­ni­fi­cant step forward in our mission to trans­form how reading and atten­tion skills are impro­ved world­wide. Through our VR glasses and app, we make eye-coor­di­na­tion trai­ning both effective, easy and fun, bringing impact­ful solu­tions to users around the globe.

The Digital Society Stream at CDL-Estonia con­nects us with a remar­kable com­mu­nity of unicorn foun­ders and global experts in digital gover­nance, cyber­secu­rity, and genom­ics, all working to scale ground­bre­a­king inno­va­tions for a digi­ti­zed future.

With gui­dance from CDL mentors—including accom­plished ent­re­pre­neurs, inve­stors, sci­en­tists, and engineers—we’re more equip­ped than ever to create lasting change. Stay tuned as we con­ti­nue this exci­ting journey!


We are on a mission to spread the love of reading to everyone.



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