Få 200 kr rabatt på vårt startpaket med koden "JUL200"

Senior React Native / JavaScript Developer

Listen to one of our success stories, told by a special teacher: https://www.youtube.com/school.
imvi labs was founded in 2021, based on inter­di­sci­pli­nary rese­arch with Karo­linska Insti­tu­tet, Linné Uni­ver­si­te­tet and Gävle Hög­skola. 10% of the world’s popu­la­tion struggle with reading. Our paten­ted brain-eye coor­di­na­tion trai­ning app can free up 80–90% of the brain’s capa­city, which can be used for faster reading, better con­cent­ra­tion, and incre­a­sed focus. All our custo­mers have impro­ved their reading speed, up to 800%. People with dyslexia and reading dif­ficul­ties have on average impro­ved over100%. imvi labs has its office at MINC in Malmö. You will report to our CEO and co-founder Peter Carls­son, and work on a day-to-day basis with Michael Mal­mqvist our Chief Inno­va­tion Officer and co-founder who has inven­ted our solu­tion. We will now start to build our in-house team with a Senior React Native / Java­Script Deve­lo­per.

Are you pas­sio­nate about making a real dif­fe­rence for many people and society, look no further. This is what you have been waiting for!

This is a hands-on role that inclu­des plan­ning, desig­ning, coding, debug­ging, testing, and deployment.
• Lead insour­cing of our app deve­lop­ment
• Respon­sible for driving the deve­lop­ment of mobile archi­tecture
• Define and develop work methods
• Develop a plan to keep archi­tecture and code base up to date
• Make the deve­lop­ment envi­ron­ment easy to work in and updated.

Skills & Qua­li­fi­ca­tions
• High pro­fi­ci­ency & hands-on expe­ri­ence in Java Script and React Native
• Mobile iOS/Android –
• Data­ba­ses – Google Fire­base and Common data­base SQL
• Tho­rough in Object Ori­en­ted Design
• Know­ledge and expe­ri­ence in Archi­tectu­ral plan­ning
• We welcome anyone pas­sio­nate about soft­ware engi­ne­e­ring prin­ciples and best practi­ces
• Wil­ling­ness to learn dif­fe­rent pro­gram­ming para­digms, lan­gu­a­ges and tech­no­lo­gies is a requi­re­ment

Other favo­rable requi­re­ments
• Good understan­ding of math, and ability to learn about optics
• Expe­ri­ence working with strea­med video is an advan­tage
• Expe­ri­ence working with games and gami­fi­ca­tion is an advan­tage
• Ability to understand, adapt, ini­ti­ate, imple­ment the process, and operate in a chan­ging and some­ti­mes unde­fi­ned envi­ron­ment
• Ana­ly­ti­cal thin­king and plan­ning, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, problem-solving, good judg­ment, and the ability to influ­ence others
• Demon­strate the ability to multi-task, manage mul­tiple pro­jects, pri­o­ri­tize, and meet dead­li­nes in a fast-paced envi­ron­ment
• Have expe­ri­ence in running pro­jects and from start to finish
• Is “up to date” in the mobile appli­ca­tion deve­lop­ment

If inte­res­ted, please email your resume to peter@imvilabs.com with the job title as the Subject.

Imagine getting out of bed every morning with one goal: To improve the lives of many people by improving their reading ability, concentration, and energy levels, by having them succeed with our app-based brain-eye-coordination training. Improved reading ability can enable study and career choices that are otherwise impossible.

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