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Imvi Labs CEO Peter Carlsson will present at the Seminar: Preventive Health Solutions with AI and Digital Innovations

We are exited to announce that our CEO Peter Carls­son will intro­duce Imvi Labs and our fun­c­tio­nal vision trai­ning at the Seminar: Pre­ven­tive Health Solu­tions with AI and Digital Inno­va­tions. The seminar takes place on the 17th of Sep­tem­ber in Malmö.

Invest in Skåne has arranged this seminar where Peter Carls­son will present Imvi Labs trai­ning and its impact on several use cases. He will also show how Imvi Labs is using AI and Digital Inno­va­tions to revo­lu­tio­nize eye-coor­di­na­tion trai­ning. 

For more infor­ma­tion, read here!


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