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Discovering DIGIT-PRE winners, interview with Imvi Labs and Accelerated Growth

In DIGIT-PRE News­let­ter #3 Imvi Labs and Acce­le­ra­ted Growth are fea­tu­red with their winning project “Impacting Post Stroke”.

Peter Carls­son, CEO of Imvi Labs says: “We have so far focused on trai­ning people with ver­gence pro­blems, reading pro­blems, dyslexia and adhd. In addi­tion, people who suffer from double vision after stroke, con­cus­sions and post-covid have found us and had fan­tastic results. So, when we learned about DIGIT-PRE, and saw that rehab after stroke was within the scope and that both the regions where we are based: Malmö/Helsingborg and Cluj where inclu­ded, we wanted to take this oppor­tu­nity to acce­le­rate acti­vi­ties that would else have been planned further out. Our focus within the project is rehab after stroke, but in some respect, we look at this as also cove­ring the broader area of acqui­red brain injury. With this project we will add trai­ning fun­c­tio­na­lity that will allow us to handle a wider range of eye-coor­di­na­tion pro­blems.”  

Read the full inter­view here.

Read the full news­let­ter here.


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