In DIGIT-PRE Newsletter #3 Imvi Labs and Accelerated Growth are featured with their winning project “Impacting Post Stroke”.
Peter Carlsson, CEO of Imvi Labs says: “We have so far focused on training people with vergence problems, reading problems, dyslexia and adhd. In addition, people who suffer from double vision after stroke, concussions and post-covid have found us and had fantastic results. So, when we learned about DIGIT-PRE, and saw that rehab after stroke was within the scope and that both the regions where we are based: Malmö/Helsingborg and Cluj where included, we wanted to take this opportunity to accelerate activities that would else have been planned further out. Our focus within the project is rehab after stroke, but in some respect, we look at this as also covering the broader area of acquired brain injury. With this project we will add training functionality that will allow us to handle a wider range of eye-coordination problems.”
Read the full interview here.
Read the full newsletter here.